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Kitesurfing in a flooded Paris football field

05 February 2018 | Kiteboarding However, what has become a nightmare for the majority of the citizens, it also created unexpected opportunities for inland kitesurfers.Parisian kiteboarders woke up on the weekend and were greeted by a flooded football field in...

Kevin Langeree crowned 2018 Red Bull King of the Air champion

31 January 2018 | Kiteboarding The world's craziest kiteboarding competition is over, and there was unbelievable action unfolding in front of thousands of ecstatic big air kiteboarding fans.The judges were looking for extreme big airs, style, and variety of maneuvers,...

How to start with strapless kitesurfing

23 September 2016 | Kiteboarding Riding waves with a kite and without straps involves a surfboard. It can be a classic surfboard used in surfing, but today kite brands have designed their own kitesurfing models with subtle changes in their...

New South Wales rolls back mandatory lifejacket regulation

22 September 2016 | Kiteboarding The changes made in the Maritime Safety Regulations ignited an intense and quick response from the kiteboarding community. The kite enthusiasts noted that lifejackets (Level 50S or greater) would difficult duck dives and increase the...

The best tips for beginner windsurfers

21 September 2016 | Windsurfing The first thing that newcomers to windsurfing should know is what equipment they will be using. The three main components of windsurfer are the board, the sail, the boom. There's more, but without them, you won't...

The world's smallest personal locator beacon

20 September 2016 | Kiteboarding The RescueMe PLB1 was specially designed for kiteboarders and windsurfers who train or compete in unpredictable weather conditions, and in remote, offshore areas. The gadget weighs 116 grams, and it was built to resist the worst...

Is drone surfing the future of kiteboarding?

19 September 2016 | Kiteboarding In a distant future, you might not need the wind to go kiteboarding. Freefly Systems has unveiled an $17,500 octocopter that can tow a human across the water. The idea was first tested with a skateboard...

Maxime Nocher wins the 2016 Formula Kite World Championships

15 September 2016 | Kiteboarding The one-off event sanctioned by the International Kiteboarding Association (IKA) crowned world champions. Despite the long lay days, the world's best foil kiteboarders returned to the Yellow Sea for the final races. The light winds on...

How to get from heelside to toeside in kiteboarding

14 September 2016 | Kiteboarding Just because you have a natural stance, it doesn't mean you won't be able to switch stance. Keep cool and don't worry - it won't be as hard as it is when you try to...

A man has just solved Rubik's Cube while windsurfing

12 September 2016 | Windsurfing Michael George is not your average professional windsurfer - he's just another data science architect with a nine-to-six job. But that doesn't mean he can't dream high. That is why Mike decided to blend his two...


Goodbye ISAF, hello World Sailing

09 December 2015 | Windsurfing Those days are over. Sailors decided to change the name of their governing body. Yes, it's a rebrand. From now...