Bruna Kajiya: she landed the backside 315 Photo: Maragni/Red Bull

The 29-year-old Brazilian rider completed the double handle pass, 540-degree rotation, after dozens of failed attempts. Kajiya finally landed the maneuver in Cumbuco, Brazil.

“I am the kind of person that, when I make up my mind about something, that’s really going to happen. I feel that, so that everything goes well, for a new trick or another new thing, you have to work with various pieces. It’s a challenge. I think that’s why I love it,” explained Bruna Kajiya.

“I would sometimes be on the air spinning, and I’m like ‘okay, I got this.’ And when I touch the water, ‘boom’, I explode. Why? After a long day of trying I started to doubt whether I could actually do it or not.”

After much training, which often includes stretching and yoga, Bruna focused on her goal and went for it. And because she wanted it so much, she ended up landing the backside 315.

“Doing the backside 351 was a process that went beyond being Bruna, the professional athlete. It was also a personal issue. It was about knowing my inner self even better, and to test my limits. I felt like I had to put in alignment many aspects for that moment to happen.”

Source: WCAK